About me 

I grew up in western North Dakota, graduated from Harvard with a degree in History, and am currently  back in North Dakota. I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, and I've gotten to follow my dreams. In short, I'm one of the luckiest people in the world.

I am currently looking for a career, although I do not know exactly what that will be yet. I'm very good at research and analysis, and I'm able to write about those very effectively. I learn quickly and want to know everything. Most importantly, I'll do whatever it takes to succeed. Wherever I end up working, I'll do my best.

I still need to figure things out. In the meantime, I'll be creating content for this website. I have never had a website before. I have ideas about what form I want it to take and what I want to do with it, but really I have no idea what it will end up being. In a way, it's just like me. Every day is new to me too.